Low energy mode

What happens next?

A member of our expert team will partner with you to explore your renewable energy supply options and answer all your questions. In the meantime, you can view our buying energy and selling energy product pages for more information about what we offer and to see how we’ve helped other businesses achieve their goals.

Colleagues casually talking

Strong relationships


Tailored products

man in front of computer

Renowned customer service

Team meeting

Helping you to succeed

Why partner with us?

Strong relationships

We work hard to forge lasting partnerships with energy brokers, consultants and TPIs, building relationships based on transparency and trust.

Tailored products

Our flexible framework products and competitive pricing strike the right balance between risk and opportunity for commercial and industrial clients.

Renowned customer service

We put our customers at the centre of everything we do with comprehensive support and a dedicated point of contact.

Helping you to succeed

Consultant webinars, product focus groups and other events help you to help your customers, driving success for everyone.

Our relationship with SmartestEnergy is very much a partnership, harnessing our combined knowledge of the market to provide Inenco’s customers with the best possible service and innovative product solutions.