Established in 2008, our Industrial and Commercial (I&C) supply business provides energy consultants and large businesses with a range of fixed and flexible products. 

Whatever your energy goals might be, we can work with you to find the right product for your procurement strategy. We offer a wide range of electricity contract structures, with certified 100% renewable electricity available with all our products. We also offer demand response services for businesses actively managing their energy consumption for financial returns. 

With nearly 20 years industry experience and the financial backing of our parent company, Marubeni Corporation, we are a reliable, bankable, partner you can trust. As a next generation energy company, we are focusing our efforts on technology and product innovation to actively support our customers through the transition to a net-zero carbon economy.


Fixed Fully Delivered (1-3 years)

Set your power price and protect yourself from market volatility

  • Fix your prices for the whole contract duration - know how much you are paying for your energy and non-commodity costs, allowing you to set long-term budgets
  • Available for Half Hourly (HH) and Non-Half Hourly (NHH) meters – day and night rate for HH meters and a single rate for NHH meters
  • 24/7 access to invoices and consumption data via our eBilling tool


EnviroPass (1-3 years)

Set your power price and non-commodity rates but pass-through environmental charges

  • Protect your business against wholesale price fluctuations by fixing your power price for the contract duration
  • Environmental charges are passed through at published rates and a fixed rate is set for system and network charges (more detail available upon request)
  • Stay informed by attending our non-commodity cost forecast webinars and receive price forecast summary reports three times a year
  • 24/7 access to invoices and consumption data via our eBilling tool


Energy Only Fixed Price (1-3 years)

Set your power price and pass-through non-commodity charges

  • Protect your business against wholesale price fluctuations by fixing your power price for the contract duration
  • Non-commodity charges are passed through at published rates
  • Stay informed by attending our non-commodity cost forecast webinars and receive price forecast summary reports three times a year
  • 24/7 access to invoices and consumption data via our eBilling tool


Index Settlement

Take greater control of your flexible purchasing strategy

  • Market reflective balancing of your traded volumes on N2EX Day-Ahead market
  • Risk management: Spread the risk of market volatility over multiple purchasing decisions throughout the year
  • Purchase volume in baseload blocks in monthly, quarterly or seasonal tranches
  • Comprehensive data access: Access your consumption data, position reports, and industry updates online to effectively manage your contract.


FlexiBase (1-3+ years)

Track and react to wholesale price opportunities on our flexible electricity contract

  • Take advantage of favourable market price movements, transacting directly through our experienced Hedging Team to lock and unlock your energy volume
  • Purchase volume in baseload blocks in monthly, quarterly or seasonal tranches
  • Tailor your flexible contract to suit your business – multi-site and/or group purchasing options; non-commodity cost options; combine HH and NHH sites onto one contract; and customised billing available
  • 24/7 access to our online portals to manage your market position and run consumption reports


Flexible Framework (3+ years)

A flexible framework product, designed exclusively for energy consultants and brokers

  • Offer your clients a flexible energy contract so they can benefit from market opportunities
  • Align our non-commodity cost options to your clients’ risk appetite
  • Aggregate like-minded customers into easy to manage buying groups
  • Track the market and manage your framework using our online portal


100% renewable electricity

Confidently report zero-carbon emissions with our 100% renewable electricity (available with all our products)

  • Certified by the Carbon Trust, meaning every MWh you use comes from renewable sources - find out more
  • Three renewable options are available:
    • Standard Renewable - 100% renewable electricity from a blend of generation sources
    • Natural Renewable - 100% renewable electricity generated solely by the wind, sun or water
    • Specific Renewable - a bespoke product which allows you to choose your preferred source of 100% renewable electricity by renewable generation asset type and/or location - subject to availability 
  • Exploring Corporate PPA opportunities? If your business is actively supporting the deployment of additional renewable projects on the grid, we can help connect you to a number of independent generators across the UK and facilitate Corporate PPA partnerships.

Download our net-zero product guide to learn more about our 100% renewable options and Corporate PPA opportunities.


Monetising your flexibility

Tap into demand response markets to get paid for reducing your energy consumption upon request

  • Participate in balancing services to support National Grid in balancing supply and demand
  • Onsite generation assets? Optimise your generation asset in the short-term energy markets by providing flexibility in the day-ahead; within-day; or (near) real time markets

> Learn more about demand response opportunities


Choosing the right product for your business

To ensure we can help you get the most from our products and services, our expert I&C electricity supply team, will work with you to find the right electricity contract for you and/or your clients.

We'll discuss the following questions with you to find the best fit:

  1. How sensitive are your operating costs to changes in energy prices?
  2. How actively do you engage with the wholesale market?
  3. Does your company have net-zero targets in place as part of your energy strategy?
  4. Do you actively manage your non-commodity costs? (i.e. Triad management)
  5. Are you exploring cost saving opportunities, such as demand response?