Customer Service

Industrial and Commercial customers

Help with bills, moving premises and more...

Industrial and Commercial

Business customers (SmartestEnergy Business)

Help with bills, moving premises and more...


Generation customers

Help for generators with statements and new connections


Meter readings

Find out more about our procedures for reading your meters.

Meter Reading Arrangements
Deemed Rates

Out of contract and deemed rates

Applied following a change of tenancy or when a customer is on supply but out of contract with us.

Out of contract and deemed rates
Micro Business icon

Micro business customers

Information relating to micro business customers and our obligations as a supplier.

Micro Business Customers

Additional support

Get in touch

Contact us with your enquiry for a quick response via phone or email


Emergency contacts

Contact details for Distribution Network Operator in case of an emergency


If you're unhappy with our service for any reason, let us know here

Erroneous Transfer Queries

Assistance with an erroneous transfer query or escalation.

Escalated ET (Erroneous Transfer) Queries