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01 Jul 24

Celebrating Pride Month: The power of allyship

Blog Company update
20 Jun 24

Optimising your solar returns: Navigating Feed-in Tariffs, energy market dynamics and other potential solutions

Maximise your solar investment by understanding feed-in tariffs (FiTs), avoiding common pitfalls, and leveraging energy market dynamics. Learn how solar generation impacts wholesale prices and discover how BESS and DR programs can enhance your returns. Right-size your system, store excess energy, and participate in energy market programs for maximum benefits.

Blog Renewable energy Business energy
17 May 24

Gas Market Conditions: Implications for Electricity Costs and Net Zero

The Australian Energy Market Operator's (AEMO) recent gas market outlook for Australia's east coast paints a concerning picture of potential supply shortfalls by 2028. Scott Easton, Pricing and Retail Trading Manager at SmartestEnergy Australia, outlines the implications of gas shortages, the government’s announcement of a "Future Gas Strategy" and the broader consequences for electricity costs, net zero and economic activity.

Blog Climate change Energy transition
13 May 24

Enhancing Retailer Reliability: A Simplified Guide

The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) recently released its final report on the Retailer Reliability Obligation (RRO) review, aiming to improve energy system reliability amidst the transition to Net Zero and increased renewable energy integration. The report includes twelve recommendations aimed at reducing regulatory burdens, cutting costs for consumers, and ensuring the energy system meets consumer demands reliably.

Blog Energy transition Renewable energy
10 May 24

Empowering Consumers: Draft Electricity and Retail Rules Unveiled to Optimise CER Assets

Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in energy regulations: The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) has released a draft determination proposing enhanced electricity and retail rules to amplify the potential of Consumer Energy Resources (CERs). These changes are set to streamline the integration of rooftop solar, batteries, and electric vehicles into the power grid, fostering a more reliable and secure energy system.

Blog Energy transition Renewable energy
09 May 24

Enhancing Retail Performance Reporting: What You Need to Know

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) has recently unveiled its Draft updated Retail Performance Reporting Procedures and Guidelines. These guidelines outline changes affecting energy retailers, including the introduction of new indicators, refinement of existing metrics, and adjustments to data submission formats. Find out why these updates matter and how they could impact your operations.

Blog Renewable energy Business energy
11 Apr 24

SmartestEnergy secures second consecutive Climate Active carbon neutral certification

SmartestEnergy Australia proudly achieves its second consecutive Carbon Neutral certification, recognised by the Australian Government's Climate Active program. Join us as we delve into the journey with Kat Mitchell, Commercial Retail Manager, to uncover the meticulous process and the significance of this milestone in shaping a sustainable future.

Blog Company update Climate change CSR
02 Apr 24

SmartestEnergy and Metis Energy Seal Solar Energy Pact for Gunsynd Solar Farm in Queensland

We're delighted to confirm a long-term Power Purchase Agreement with Metis Energy. This partnership signifies a strategic collaboration aimed at bolstering Queensland's renewable energy infrastructure. The development of the Gunsynd Solar Farm is an important step towards supporting the state's transition to a sustainable energy future, while also contributing to local economic development.

News Contract award Business energy Company update
27 Mar 24

Eraring Power Station Uncertainty Sparks Surge in Long-Term Energy Contracts

Amidst the looming uncertainty over Eraring Power Station's future, businesses are swiftly securing longer-term, fixed-price electricity contracts to sidestep potential price spikes reminiscent of the Liddell closure aftermath. SmartestEnergy emerges as a beacon of stability, offering innovative, up-to-10-year energy contracts that blend renewable energy solutions with the security of fixed rates.

Blog Renewable energy Business energy
26 Mar 24

Changes to Climate-Related Financial Reporting for Australian Organisations

The Treasury has released its final exposure draft legislation on compulsory climate-related financial reporting obligations for major companies and financial entities. The main recommendations include the mandatory inclusion of a Sustainability report alongside Annual report for group 1 entities with new estimation methodologies and frameworks.

Blog Energy transition Renewable energy
25 Mar 24

National Energy Regulator Aligns with National Energy Objectives

Discover how the AEMC's latest electricity and retail rules, in effect since February 1st, 2024, redefine energy decision-making. With a focus on transparency and emissions reduction, these rules streamline processes for the AER, shaping a future where energy aligns with national objectives.

Blog Renewable energy Business energy
13 Mar 24

SmartestEnergy and ACEN Sign PPA for New England Solar Project

SmartestEnergy will purchase renewable energy from the 400MW Stage 1 New England Solar project, located near Uralla, New South Wales. New England Solar is ACEN Australia’s first operational project and the 400MW first stage has been built with the support of host landholders, First Nations people, and the Uralla community.

News Renewable energy Business energy
19 Feb 24

Australian Energy Regulator releases advice on National Energy Customer Framework

Explore how the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) is dedicated to creating a safer and more consumer-focused landscape in evolving energy markets by offering advice on how to update the National Energy Customer Framework (NECF).

Blog Business energy Renewable energy
15 Feb 24

Navigating the Greenwashing Frontier: 8 Key Principles for Genuine Environmental Claims

Discover ACCC's essential guidelines for safeguarding your business reputation and avoiding greenwashing fines. Learn how to steer clear of misleading conduct, effectively showcase emission reductions, and reap the benefits of authentic environmental efforts.

Blog CSR Climate change
15 Feb 24

Victoria hit by major power outage: Transmission failures and soaring spot prices

Last week saw a multi-contingency power outage involving Loy Yang A power station and two major transmission lines between Moorabool and Sydenham in Victoria. A major system event occurred just after 1 pm on Tuesday the 13th of February, resulting in multiple trips on the generation and transmission systems, which also forced over 1,000 MW of customer load to be disconnected from the power system.

Blog Business energy Renewable energy
18 Jan 24

Download now: SmartestEnergy Annual Report 2023

In a year defined by energy challenges, SmartestEnergy stood resilient, driving the transition to reliable and sustainable power solutions. Explore our journey through the Annual Report 2023, capturing milestones, achievements, and our unwavering commitment to empowering you with renewable energy knowledge.

News Company update Renewable energy