REMA Blog 890 X 445 Px

Page Last Updated - 12/05/2024

The Energy Bills Discount Scheme (EBDS) ran for 12 months from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024. The scheme is now closed. Currently, there are no plans from the UK Government to provide further support to non-domestic customers, however, we continue to proactively engage with them and will provide any relevant updates via this page.

The scheme replaced the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS) which supported businesses and organisations between 1 October 2022 and 31 March 2023.


Previous Update - 09/05/2023

Based on the guidance provided by the UK Government, the Energy Bill Relief Scheme (EBRS) ended on 1st April 2023. From 1st April 2023 the new Energy Bill Discount Scheme (EBDS) has come into effect. We expect that not as many customers will be eligible for EBDS, and a number of our customers who have been receiving discounts will cease to benefit from this new scheme.

All suppliers like us are waiting for official communications from the regulator (Ofgem) and the UK Government. We expect that there will be a postcode look-up option for businesses to evaluate quickly and easily if they meet the new scheme requirements.

Further information around the scheme can be found in the EBDS guidance and updates and provided by BEIS. We will continue to work closely with the Government to ensure our customers receive the applicable benefits from the schemes and update this page with more information as needed.


Non-Domestic Alternative Fuel Payment

  • The Government is providing a £150 Non-Domestic Alternative Fuel Payment for non-domestic energy users in properties which are not connected to the gas grid and which rely on alternative fuels such as kerosene heating oil. In most cases, eligible customers will have received this automatically as a £150 credit to their electricity supply account.
  • However, properties in certain postcodes may not have received this payment. If you think that you should have received a £150 payment, you can check your postcode and submit an application on GOV.UK. Please search for ‘Apply for the £150 non-domestic alternative fuel payment if you have not received it automatically’.
  • To submit an application, you will need to upload invoices confirming that you have purchased alternative fuel for use at the property.
  • If your property uses a very high volume of kerosene heating oil (over 10,000 litres annually) you may also be able to apply for an additional top-up payment starting at £750. There is a separate GOV.UK application form. 


Want to know more?

Please be aware that as your energy supplier, we are unable to advise you on your eligibility for the EBDS scheme; we will share more information on how you can check your eligibility as soon as BEIS provide the relevant guidance.

If you believe that the ending of this scheme will affect your ability to pay your electricity invoices, please contact our Debt Management Team on 01473 243168 or by emailing [email protected]

To keep up to date with UK Government plans, you can view the latest news via these national and industry media sources:


Need to reach us?

  • If you are unable to identify whether you are a SmartestEnergy Limited or SmartestEnergy Business Limited customer, please check your account number:
    • If it starts with R00 you are a SmartestEnergy Limited customer.
    • If it starts with 1000 or other characters you are a SmartestEnergy Business Limited customer.
  • Small and medium business customers – SmartestEnergy Business Limited: If you have any questions about your existing contract, please await further information and visit this page for regular updates
  • I&C Customers – SmartestEnergy Limited: If you have any questions about your existing contract, please contact your dedicated Account Manager or Customer Services Executive
  • Smart Generation Customers – SmartestEnergy Limited: If you have any questions about your existing contract, please contact your dedicated Account Manager or Customer Services Executive