Aurora Energy Research Spring Forum

We are pleased to announce we will be attending the Aurora Energy Research Spring Forum in Oxford later this month.

The global energy industry continues to face turbulent times, experiencing the worst energy crisis in decades, with high energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and economic instability. However, almost a year after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the outlook is relatively positive compared to early dire predictions. The global economy has weathered the impact of the loss of Russian supply. Despite massive short-term cost increases, energy rationing has not yet been required, and in spite of the short-term political panic, the main institutions of the European energy policy—including the wholesale electricity markets—are intact.

While the short-term news is surprisingly positive, the world that emerges from this energy crisis will require a vastly different strategy to approaching the energy transition. With this in mind, the Aurora Spring Forum 2023 will focus on rethinking energy use, supply, and policy in the wake of the global energy crisis.

At SmartestEnergy, we are on a mission to lead the way to a 100% renewable energy system that delivers a better future for all, so we look forward to attending the event and joining the conversation.

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