Generators typically secure revenue for their projects from three areas - energy, embedded benefits and subsidy. We provide regular forecasts of these revenue streams along with policy and regulation updates to help our customers stay up to date.

What are embedded benefits?

These are payments made to generators for the energy that they generate as a result of being directly connected to the distribution network. They include:

  • Capacity Market - a benefit for your generation during the winter period that we are able to provide because we are also a supplier.
  • Triad Benefit - the benefit for generating during the three peak half hour demand periods over the winter (Nov – Feb), find out more about Triads here.
  • Balancing System Use of System (BSUoS) - a benefit reflecting the offsetting cost of the system balancing actions taken by the System Operator.
  • Transmission and Distribution Losses (TNUoS) - a potential benefit paid for connecting to the distribution network where power produced locally reduces the need for other power to be transported such long distances, therefore reducing electrical losses.

Ofgem is currently reviewing embedded benefits, so please join our regular webinars to find out the latest news.

Our latest videos

Watch the below highlights from our November 2018 webinar*:




Upcoming webinars

We hold quarterly webinars to share the latest forecasts from our in-house pricing team. Sign up here to receive invitations to our future webinars or speak to your Account Manager.


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