It's important to know exactly how your electricity is generated so you can confidently report your carbon emissions and share your sustainability achievements. As well as the basic fuel mix we're required to report, we publish a detailed fuel mix for our renewable products so you know the breakdown of your supply.

Every megawatt hour we supply to customers on our renewable products is from renewable generation and backed with an origin certificate, independently verified by the Carbon Trust.  The fuel mix for these products from April 2022 to March 2023 is shown below, as well as our residual conventional mix.


Renewable Product Fuel Mix

Our Renewable products are for businesses that want to embrace the forces of nature and are backed by origin certificates. The fuel mix for these products for the reporting period 2022/23 was:

Renewables: 76% Thermal, Solar 24%. Scope 2 emissions: 0 gCO2/kWh. Total radioactive waste: 0 g/kWh.


Conventional Product Fuel Mix

Once we have allocated all our renewable supply across the products above, what remains is the residual fuel mix for our Conventional customers, which is predominantly from grid sources. Our Conventional fuel mix for 2022/23 was:

Natural Gas: 70%, Coal: 7%, Nuclear: 2%, Other: 5%, Renewable: 17%.


Environmental impact of energy sources relating to our fuel mixes, and displayed on other websites:
All energy sources have some impact on the environment, but to varying degrees. As the net zero transition and the shift to natural renewable energy sources (wind, hydropower and solar) convey – there’s a need to move away from fossil fuels (e.g. coal, oil and natural gas), which do substantially more harm than renewable sources.

So what are the kinds of environmental impact energy sources can have?
Impacts are far ranging and can include air and water pollution, damage to public health, wildlife and habitat loss, water use, land use, and global warming emissions. The intensity of the impact, as well as the type of impact, depends on the specific technology used, the location of the energy assets , and a number of other factors.